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2023年11月3日   來源:   作者:


   第五屆品質與福利雞蛋大會在“信心、協作和發展”的主題下圓滿結束,為品質和福利雞蛋產業鏈提供了一個充滿活力的交流、學習和分享平臺。此次會議由FAI Farms、絲綢之路總商會、上海悅孜聯合主辦,得到國家動物健康與食品安全創新聯盟的指導,并收獲禮藍動保、大荷蘭人、力矩中國、歐福蛋業和四川信德的大力支持。吸引了來自全球的超過160名動物福利專家、學者和從業者參與。

    The 5th Quality and Welfare Egg Conference concluded successfully under the theme of "Confidence, Collaboration, and Development," providing a vibrant platform for the quality and welfare egg industry chain to exchange, learn, and share. The conference was jointly organized by FAI Farms, the Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce, and IQC, with guidance from the China Animal Health and Food Safety Alliance. It received strong support from Elanco, Big Dutchman, Lever China, Ovodan, and Sichuan Xinde. The event attracted over 160 animal welfare experts, scholars, and professionals from around the world.





Director Executive,FAI Farms Brazil


Mr. Murilo stated that this gathering aims to delve deeply into the future of egg production to better meet the needs of humanity, animals, and the planet. He emphasized that attendees are not just participants in a conference but also part of an important movement advocating for eggs from cage-free environments. This movement is committed to propelling advanced egg production systems, offering healthier surroundings, catering to the natural behaviors of animals, providing business opportunities, increasing profitability, and improving the quality of life for both humans and animals. Together, they strive to meet the ever-growing global demand for cage-free eggs.


       黃向陽 Xiangyang HUANG


      Secretary General,China Animal Health and Food Safety Alliance


    Secretary-General Huang delivered a speech at the conference, expressing that as consumer demands for food safety and quality continue to rise, the poultry and egg industry is facing both opportunities and challenges. In the context of fierce competition in domestic and international markets, poultry and egg enterprises need to enhance their technological, quality, and brand advantages to achieve sustainable development. He called on all parties to work together, strengthen industry cooperation, and explore paths for innovation and development in the welfare and animal-source food industry. This can promote exchanges and collaboration on various fronts, leading to fruitful outcomes.


         田曉紅Xiaohong TIAN


       Deputy Secretary General, SRCIC


     Deputy Secretary General Tian welcomes the distinguished guests to explore the future of egg production. China has made significant progress in the trade of cage-free eggs, getting closer to meeting the growing global demand for cage-free eggs. While we celebrate this achievement, we also recognize the challenges that lie ahead. We welcome everyone to share innovative ideas and experiences. We look forward to future collaboration and development, driving innovation and sustainable growth in the industry.


     IQC Animal Welfare Working Report 2022 & 2023


    Cage Free Egg Certificate lssuing Ceremony




      As of now, 13 companies have obtained cage-free certification, and numerous other businesses are actively transitioning towards cage-free practices. The commitments of major purchasers are rapidly propelling the cage-free egg industry's growth. Below is the 2023 Recommended List for Procuring Welfare Eggs in China. To access it, follow our official account and send "2023采購清單" to the backend, and you can download it at your convenience.






                   主持人:熊傳武博士 Dr.Chuanwu XIONG


                  General Manager,IQC


       Dr. Xiong Chuanwu chaired the morning session of the conference, focusing on China's egg industry and its global perspective. He expressed gratitude to the leaders and guests, emphasizing the rapid growth and quality improvement of China's egg industry. The conference theme, "Confidence, Collaboration, and Development," aims to learn from international success and advance China's egg industry towards higher quality and welfare standards, providing strong support for its future development.






      Professor Li Baoming discussed the impact of the rearing environment and feeding methods on egg quality, including external appearance, internal quality, nutritional components, and microbial quality. To ensure egg quality, it is important to manage the rearing environment, including controlling temperature, humidity, ventilation, and air quality.Furthermore, the rearing methods also influence egg quality, such as cage rearing and free-range rearing, which can affect both egg quality and the welfare of the hens. To enhance hen welfare, it is necessary to appropriately control these factors, such as increasing cage floor area, adding more perches, and providing an ample water supply.Finally, the presentation also covered how to conduct product testing, which includes assessing external appearance, internal quality, nutritional components, and microbial quality. By testing egg quality, issues can be promptly identified and measures taken to make improvements, thereby enhancing egg quality and the welfare of the hens.

     楚東 Dong CHU


    China Chain Store & Franchise Association,CCFA


     Mr. Chu Dong presented new opportunities in the cage-free egg market. Consumers are highly focused on health, environmental sustainability, and animal welfare, where cage-free eggs offer distinct advantages. Cage-free eggs are produced using more humane farming practices, such as in-house, free-range, and open-air environments. He analyzed both the external and internal characteristics of cage-free eggs, covering factors like farming methods, sustainability, pricing, as well as socio-cultural, physiological, psychological, environmental, sensory, and nutritional aspects. Lastly, he emphasized the importance of unlocking market potential and aligning with consumers' core values. He proposed a series of measures, including enhanced standards to establish consumer trust, intensified education and promotion for product quality, and advancing policy and regulatory frameworks to better regulate the consumer market.



       Mark Williams


      CEO and Secretary, British Egg Industry Council (BEIC)

     Mark Williams 先生介紹了英國雞蛋質量和安全認證計劃 (Lion Scheme),以及英國使用Lion Scheme計劃建立更高的品質標準、采用疫苗、進行嚴格的審核和積極的宣傳工作,成功地從蛋類食品安全危機中取得成功并重建了市場信心的故事,他強調了雞蛋行業的安全性和可持續性,并討論了市場推廣和品牌建設方面的措施,包括與知名人物合作代言、多媒體廣告、品牌網站、消費者教育等等。

     Mr. Mark introduced the UK's Egg Quality and Safety Certification Program, known as the Lion Scheme. The UK utilized the Lion Scheme to establish higher quality standards, implement vaccination measures, conduct rigorous audits, and engage in proactive promotion. This approach successfully navigated the egg safety crisis, rebuilding market confidence. He emphasized the safety and sustainability of the egg industry, addressing marketing and brand-building strategies, including endorsements from celebrities, multimedia advertising, brand websites, and consumer education.








                        China Farm Animal Project Manager,World Animal Protection


    The second half of the morning session of the meeting was opened under the guidance of Ms. Chu Xueqin, Project Manager at the World Animal Protection.



          Dietmar Tepe


        General Manager,KAT Association


     Mr.Dietmar used KAT Association in Europe to illustrate how welfare eggs build 。confidence in the European market. By comparing farming costs and prices, he stressed that differing farming methods are the root cause of product distinctions. Since 2004, all eggs in the EU must be stamped with a uniform label.: 0 for organic, 1 for free-range, 2 for barn, and 3 for caged/enriched caged. KAT Center's data established a closed, traceable supply chain system, aiding adherence to this labeling. KAT enhances consumer transparency on its website and app. Currently, KAT has certified 80 million laying hens, representing 37% of non-caged hens in the EU.



        Luiz Mazzon


       Global Program Director, Humane Farm Animal Care


      Mr. Luiz discussed changes in the American cage-free egg market. In the U.S., 34.1% of eggs are cage-free, driven by buyer commitments and state laws. According to USDA data, by 2026, 66% of U.S. eggs must be cage-free. In Brazil, all major producers have adopted cage-free to meet rising demand, with HFAC becoming the mandatory gold standard for supplying large retailers and food producers. Colombia, Argentina, and Costa Rica are shifting due to pressure from major buyers. Uruguay and Paraguay have smaller markets but found specific niches. Mexico presents challenges with high per capita egg consumption but fewer cage-free farms. The Latin American transition is primarily driven by consumer demand. China, the world's largest egg producer, has potential for cost-effective growth with the guidance of animal welfare certification.



            章達榮David ZHANG


        Senior Manager,Procurement Field Operations Marriott International


     David Zhang mentioned that Marriott, a global hotel company, is committed to promoting sustainability and animal welfare. In the Greater China region, they have adopted a cage-free egg procurement strategy to support animal welfare. Their goal is to achieve 100% cage-free egg sourcing by 2025. Marriott believes that cage-free egg procurement is crucial for sustainability and animal welfare. it provides chickens with the space for free movement and meets their natural needs while protecting them from diseases and predators. This contributes to improving the health of the chicken population and providing higher quality welfare eggs. With the global supply chain becoming more predictable, Marriott is confident in achieving their goal, ensuring that all whole eggs, liquid eggs, and pre-packaged eggs conform to their definition of cage-free sourcing.



        圓桌討論 Panel Discussion


     Ikea's Sustianability Leader, Protein- based and Plant-based foods Yinan Zhang and Project Director Mutzu Huang from  Lever China delved into the challenges faced by the cage-free egg industry at a roundtable discussion. They discussed the critical issues of sustainability and animal welfare. Guests provided valuable insights into strategies and implementations for transitioning to cage-free eggs, fostering essential exchanges of ideas and cooperation opportunities to promote sustainable food production and animal welfare.



      李聰聰博士 Dr.Congcong LI


      Seninor Animal Welfare Scientist,IQC


     The first half of the afternoon session was chaired by Dr. Li Congcong, a senior animal scientist from Shanghai Yuezhi, and focused on discussing topics related to the production practices of quality and welfare eggs.



            韓太鑫Taixin HAN


           Vice President,OVODAN


      Mr. Han emphasizes cage free eggs should not only focus on cage free but also pay special attention to food safety and freshness.  It's essential to closely monitor microbiology, drug residues, contaminants/heavy metals, and unauthorized additives, with particular vigilance against the spread of Salmonella. The freshness of eggs depends on multiple factors, including storage time, temperature, transportation, chicken rearing methods, and age. Ovodan eggs are subjected to comprehensive safety controls and a cold chain logistics system to ensure food safety and freshness. They offer a one-stop procurement solution, which is of paramount importance for the non-caged egg industry.



         Murilo Henrique Quintiliano


        Diretor Executive,FAl Farms Brasil


     Technology boosts cage free egg production: efficiency, animal welfare, and sustainability. Mr. Murilo introduced a chicken coop monitoring system called Birdbox, a coop monitor using sensors and feed weighing. Data: +3.5% coop egg rate, ~¥220K extra per batch, 6-month ROI. Elevates industry insight, value.This technology improves efficiency, insights, and value for both farmers and the entire industry chain.



         菲利普 Philipp Prang


       Sales Director, Big Dutchman China


     Mr.Philip highlighted the role of modern equipment in enhancing the global competitiveness of cage-free eggs. He explained different international standards and production systems, emphasizing the popularity of multi-tier aviary systems worldwide. Mr. Philip also shared best practices and trends from the United States and cited the case of Happy Eggs in Hainan, China. He pointed out that multi-tier aviary systems not only provide more space, enabling large-scale cage-free egg production, but also align with natural chicken behavior, all while keeping the investment per bird minimal. As of March 2023, over 160 million chickens have been raised using Big Dutchman's cage-free systems. This underscores the pivotal role of modern equipment in advancing sustainable cage-free egg production.



       張沛 Pei ZHANG


      Deputy secretary general,ICCAW


    Ms. Pei Zhang focused on good practices in farming, training, and brand enhancement, extending from the needs of hens to comparing international and domestic cage-free standards, as well as the requirements of the Welfare Farming Golden Egg Award. She emphasized that the core is meeting the hens' needs, prompting the industry to move toward a more humane and sustainable direction. She also shared some outstanding domestic enterprises in cage-free welfare for hens, such as Ningxia Xiaoming, Shendan, Sichuan Xinde, and Happy Eggs. ICCAW is actively promoting cage-free training, establishing China's Cage-Free Hen Farm Training Center and related technical courses. Finally, she introduced good brand enhancement practices, aiming to improve product quality, drive welfare farming, and meet market demands.


         石思瑤 SiyaoSHI


        China Research Officer, CIWF


    Ms. Shi Siyao shared global trends and techniques related to cage-free egg production. She emphasized CIWF's vital role in China, including recognizing excellence in the food industry, offering technical support to businesses, establishing industry standards and recommendations, and highlighting exemplary cases. Ms. Shi delved into the challenges posed by the continuously rising global population of laying hens, emphasizing the importance of understanding their needs and behaviors through the five categories of poultry behavior models. CIWF also provided specific guidance on egg production, encouraging the industry to transition to more humane, cage-free methods. 



          王海 Henry WANG


         Program Director,IQC


        The second half of the afternoon session of the conference was hosted by Mr. Henry Wang, Project Director of IQC, with a focus on presenting the highlights and key topics of the conference.



         李德昆博士 Dr.Allen LI


       Senior Certification Director,Intertek APAC


    Dr. Allen Li introduced Intertek's credibility management program for cage free egg certification. The program aims to enhance production standards and quality for cage free egg producers. It encompasses aspects like process integrity, audit integrity, standard integrity, and social collaboration, covering various facets of cage free egg production, including environment, feed, and egg quality requirements. By participating in this certification program, cage free egg producers can improve their production standards and quality, strengthen their social responsibility and credibility, and gain a competitive edge in the market while unlocking more business opportunities.



       李聰聰博士 Dr.Congcong LI


     Seninor Animal Welfare Scientist,IQC


     Dr. Congcong Li presented the latest developments and research findings on cage-free egg production and animal welfare in China. Academic research covers areas such as environmental enrichment, chicken behavior adaptation, egg quality, and welfare farming systems. In terms of recent production advancements, this includes consumer willingness and behavior, the establishment of relevant standards, and the reporting of emerging cage-free egg production companies. Dr. Li also discussed the distribution of cage-free eggs in China, including information on sales channels, market share, and prices. Finally, the presentation delved into the future trends of cage-free egg production, considering factors like scale, efficiency, consumer demand, and sustainability. Dr. Congcong provided a comprehensive overview of academic research, production, distribution, and future prospects while emphasizing the importance of collaboration and confidence.



    圓桌討論 Panel Discussion


    At the roundtable forum, Weisheng Wang, General Manager of Happy Eggs, shared their success story, transitioning from initial sales challenges to current high demand, and discussed the best practices for driving the sales of cage-free eggs. Minjie Hu, General Manager of Sichuan Xinde, shared insights on how to address food safety concerns raised by free-range egg customers and their corresponding best practices. Lei Guo, Board Director and Assistant to the Chairman at Xiaoming, shared the best practices in biosecurity and the distinctive characteristics of online cage-free farming in the western region. Huazhu Cai, General Manager of Tudama, introduced the best practices as the largest national cage-free farming facility, including the utilization of advanced facilities, methods, and sales strategies at their new farming locations. These discussions encapsulate the exceptional practical experiences driving the development of the cage-free egg industry.



     The coordination and communication between production and sales concluded successfully, and this event invited guest speakers, procurement representatives, and executives from cage free egg production companies to jointly explore the future development direction of the egg industry. It deepened cooperation and understanding among various sectors of the industry, and also provided valuable opportunities for sharing experiences to promote the sustainable development of quality and welfare eggs.

